It's official! Sound the trumpets and horns - Crystal-lee has a house!! :)
I am so excited! Phyllis and I met with the owner of the house today to finalize and sign the lease. It was so neat! And the lady was incredibly nice. She said the house hadn't been painted in 5 years and offered to have it painted for us - and even asked us to pick out the colors!
We did! We picked out similar colors to my mom's house - shades of gray basically. But a taupey gray, which is really nice looking. At least it is in my mom's house.
What else, what else? Ohhhh tonight, Phyllis and I are going on a date. I am taking her just down to Campbell River to see Mamma Mia! (Because it's not coming here, much to my annoyance and frustration - and admittedly a strong urge to bomb threat the theatre with the message 'MAMMA MIA or BUST')
Anyways, tantrum aside, it should be good fun. We are going to probably go out to dinner first. Phyllis works a little later tonight so I hope she gets out in time for us to get down and back. I work tomorrow night (YUCK) which I am none too pleased about, but atleast I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yay sleepy-insees with the Phillenator. I love that!
Watched Ma Saison Preferee the other night. The French are so weird. That's all I have to say.
Again with the 'verge on rape' turned 'hot sex scene'. Why?! Anyways, I'll figure that out eventually when I get to go to Paris.
I am so excited! Phyllis and I met with the owner of the house today to finalize and sign the lease. It was so neat! And the lady was incredibly nice. She said the house hadn't been painted in 5 years and offered to have it painted for us - and even asked us to pick out the colors!
We did! We picked out similar colors to my mom's house - shades of gray basically. But a taupey gray, which is really nice looking. At least it is in my mom's house.

Anyways, tantrum aside, it should be good fun. We are going to probably go out to dinner first. Phyllis works a little later tonight so I hope she gets out in time for us to get down and back. I work tomorrow night (YUCK) which I am none too pleased about, but atleast I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yay sleepy-insees with the Phillenator. I love that!
Watched Ma Saison Preferee the other night. The French are so weird. That's all I have to say.

Oh and Maria made my day today. She said "You should be a model." and I was all like "What?! No... but thanks... but no way would I be able to." And she said "No, you're beautiful" or something like that. It was so sweet.
And with nothing else interesting about me, I close.
Update: Leah (my manager) just got fired today. What the fuck? The only one that does work out of the three managers and she was fired. Not so surprising as of the new development - our new spa director is officially doing the owner. Wow. I should write this down, this would get more airtime than Days of Our Lives.